The Gates/Buffet "Giving Pledge" - The New Frontier?

The other day Warren Buffet along with Bill & Melinda Gates announced the Giving Pledge campaign to speak with the wealthiest people in North America and urge them to give 50% of their wealth.

Peer-to-peer solicitation is not new in the charity world.  Parlour meetings and house parties were the norm when it came to raising dollars for favourite charities.  What I find interesting about what Buffet and Gates are doing is that it is being driven by the donors rather than the charities.  The other thing that these two are saying is, "Just Give."  Set up a meaningful giving vehicle for you to put your wealth into and invest in community as you define it.  The final point to why I think this is an interesting move on their parts, is it allows their peers to look at organizations that are social enterprises and consider them as vehicles for change and not just the charitable sector.Gates & Buffet

One challenge that I think they will face... Buffet already set the bar by donating to the Gates Foundation.  Will this take the wind and cache as well as the "innovation" out of the sails of those entrepreneurs and business leaders that they are approaching?

So who from Canada's wealthiest will also step up to the plate? Is there a group of philanthropists and social investors who are looking at leveraging their donations and generating greater social impact? Perhaps Galen Weston can lead the charge with his foundation? Or Guy Laliberte can launch something through Cirque du Soleil and the One Drop Foundation?

What do you think about joining forces with other philanthropists for social change?


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