
Expectations of use of funds for Japan Quake donations

There are several things we can learn from past natural disasters and the way that donations were handled:  read more »

Crisis Donations - How Effective Are They?

Once again we are facing an international humanitarian crisis - an earthquake in Japan that has tsunami ripple effects across the world.  read more »

Fraud in Canada’s Charitable Sector

Guest blogger - Karine Aviv  read more »

Ever since I started working in this sector, I've been hearing a lot about fraud.  This is a great concern, because as someone who donates money to charities, I want to know that it is being put to good use, and not going into someone's personal pocket.  So, what is really going on?

Good Samaritan Syndrome

It's been a rough start to 2011 for millions of people hit by natural disasters.  The aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti is still being felt, and will be felt for some time.  Australia is just starting to dry itself out from the massive floods that hit Brisbane and other parts of Queensland.  Brazil is reelling from the landslide that has flattened part of Rio de Janeiro.  And while all this is going on, many of you are opening your hearts and your wallets to support provide aid, reconstruction, medical assistance and general support.  But are we falling into a pattern of support that is inconsistent at best and harmful at worst?  read more »

Charity Scams Alive & Well in Canada

Charity scams are alive and well in Canada.  In 2003 the Chronicle of Philanthropy released a report that in North America over $1.28B is lossed due to fraud (and that is only the fraud that is caught!).  This hit home this week when Ashley Kirilow was denied bail for her part in a cancery charity scam.  read more »

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