Holiday Giving - It's that time of year again

On Dec. 8, 2008 I posted the following blog on being $5, $10 and $20 to death around holiday giving.  This year it looks like there is a change in the air - perhaps it is the economy, perhaps it is that people are starting to re-evaluate what their needs v. wants are, or perhaps we, as a social system are exploring some of the deeper inter-connectedness that we have with each other.  Whatever the motivations are, charitable giving is on the rise this holiday season.

How can you be prepared for the solicitations that will be coming your way over the next few weeks?

Charity Navigator has published their holiday giving guidelines and here are a few of my own - before you give... ask. 

  1. What is this money being used for? How will you report back to me? How will you share what you are doing (and if I permit, what I am doing with you) to others to garner further support?
  2. What is your social vision?  Will this charity help you achieve that vision? How will I know?
  3. What would society look like if this organization didn't exist? Who else is doing similar work? Are these organizations working together to share knowledge and resources? 
  4. What are the internal structures like (financial, governance, outcomes)? What is their reputation? Who else is supporting them?

On November 12th at 11am MST, Dexterity Consulting along with Family Life Inc. will hosting a webinar on holiday giving.  Click here for more information and to register.

What are you doing around your holiday giving this year?


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