Crowdsourcing a Political Brief - Presentation to the Finance Committee - Part 2

Thank you to those who have shared their thoughts, research and ideas on what should be included in this brief to the House of Commons Finance Committee.  Attached is a draft version of the document. I have not completed the bibliography and it needs to be tightened up but your feedback is most welcome, especially on the recommendations that are being presented to the committee (page 5).

If you have written a brief for a House Committee before, please share how you think this document should be laid out.

Thank you for your contributions!

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Briefing to the House of Commons Finance Committee on Social Enterprise and Building Canada - DRAFT 1.pdf 924.45 KB


The brief

Hi, Gena,

Good work! Here's a bit of feedback:

I'm a bit confused by what I see as a contradiction within your document. On page 2, you identify that there's a consensus that all types of social enterprise do not distribute profits to individuals. But in 2 other places, you recommend that for-profit social ventures be supported.

Now, I personally am in favour of supporting for-profit social enterprise. But for the purposes of this paper, it seems like you are saying that all social enterprise is by definition non-profit, while simultaneously recommending the promotion of for-profit ones? It seems like a contradiction to me. I suspect it's just a question of clarification in the way it's written.




Thank you! I re-read that section, and indeed this is a contradiction. It seems that the market has put social enterprises in the non-profit space but social ventures and/or social businesses in the for-profit space. I am going to re-word this so that it is consistent.

I will post the next version in a bit.

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