In Memorium - Founder of the Milestones Project, Richard Steckel


I recently learned that a friend and mentor passed away.  Dr. Richard Steckel challenged me to think bigger and not limit what I could accomplish simply because the current market trends and community pressures said that it was impossible.

Richard was a visionary. From his work at the Children's Museum in Denver, CO to the creation of the Milestones Project, he will forever be remembered as a thought leader in the social enterprise world.  

If you were in Calgary five years ago, you might have had the opportunity to experience his photo exhibit in Gallery 213 or in the years that followed, posted in the arrivals level of the Calgary International Airport.  His photography has stood the test of time and depicts the true spirit of humanity from around the world.

Donations in Richard's memory are being directed to his organization, the Milestones Project, via  Place2Give for Canadian donors.


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