Other sponsored events

These events are of interest to the Dexterity Consulting community.

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EDU App Challenge

Nov. 6-8, 2015: The EDU App Challenge - the first ever Canadian event bringing together developers and educators to create learning tools for K-12 students - is happening in Calgary November 6 – 8th , with over $10,000 in cash & prizes provided by founding sponsors The Royal Conservatory, Robots and Pencils, and TELUS.

The EDU App Challenge aims to bridge the very different perspectives of educators and developers, leading to the design of tools that expand a generalist teacher’s toolkit and empower students to take charge of their learning.  It is the first event of its kind in Canada (a similar event in the U.S. attracts 1,000 developers annually).

Dexterity Ventures Inc. and Place2Give are proud community supporters of the EDU App Challenge.


Registration is $35, but is free for Students and Educators. Register by Friday, October 30 at http://www.eduappchallenge.org/register. Use our discount code GIVE to receive $10 off of your ticket price. For more information, visit http://www.eduappchallenge.org.



Nexus Inaugural Canadian Summit

Sept. 10-11, 2015: Nexus, the global movement of 2000+ young investors, social entrepreneurs and allis who work to increase and improve philanthropy and social impact investing, will be holding their first event in Canada. The Nexus Inaugural Canadian Summit will be held on September 11th, 2015 in Toronto with Free The Children Co-Founder Marc Keilburger as the featured speaker. An evening reception will be held the day before. For more information, please view the Nexus Canada Invite at the bottom of this page.


Return on Social Investment

Return on Social Investment from CAWST on Vimeo.  A conversation hosted by CAWST discussing the ROI of social investing.  Watch the video for a glimplse of what was discussed.

Return on Social Investment from CAWST on Vimeo.




Attachment Size
Nexus Inaugural Canadian Summit 580.38 KB
Understanding Microfinance Workshop 1 - Is all microfinance created equa .pdf 75.13 KB
Understanding Microfinance workshop 2 - Interest rates how are they det .pdf 575.98 KB

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