Nepal Earthquake Update


I recently recieved an update from Splash International.  They are one of the organizations that we directed donors to, either through Place2Give or independently.

Here is there update:

When the Nepal earthquake hit last April, many of you responded with a generous donation to Splash, knowing—just as well as we do—that clean water is critical in a crisis.

Together, Splash donors contributed over $230,000 toward our recovery efforts in Nepal. INCREDIBLE!

In August, we shared our initial recovery efforts with you, which focused on:

  • Assessing the functionality of all 171 Splash sites;
  • Providing immediate repairs, where needed; and
  • Distributing clean water from Splash’s school sites to families in need.

Because of the quality and durability of Splash’s water filtration systems, 100% of them remained operational after the quake! And even though a significant portion of schools saw minor to catastrophic infrastructure damage, 90% of our drinking and handwashing stations suffered little or no harm. This enabled our local team in Nepal to waste no time in getting clean water to earthquake victims when they needed it most—immediately.

With only few and minor repairs required at existing partner schools, your donation allowed Splash to go beyond the initial call for disaster relief and address the long-term needs of this transforming city. After the quake, thousands of displaced families migrated to the Kathmandu Valley, filling schools and shelters beyond capacity. Splash's partner sites became central points for community-wide water distribution as the demand for clean water spiked and the need for additional hygiene facilities became imperative.

Luckily, you were there! Donations helped Splash:

  • Install 35 additional drinking water stations and 36 additional handwashing stations at its existing Kathmandu sites;
  • Provide new water filters and hygiene programs to 75 schools in the neighboring region of Lalitpur (the area most affected);
  • Retrofit 45 existing school sites with earthquake resilient water and sanitation infrastructure;
  • Provide major building repairs to our partner schools to get kids back in class; and
  • Expand our safe water coverage beyond schools for community-wide distribution of clean water.  

Now, over 25,000 more people than before the earthquake have access to clean water!


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