Globe & Mail
Information Flow – What is Influencing Charitable Donations
Posted January 2nd, 2012 by Gena RotsteinIn a recent presentation to the Banff Community Foundation we discussed how information flows to donors thereby influencing charitable giving and social investing decisions.
Secret Santa for Charity - The Charity Gift Card
Posted November 24th, 2011 by Gena Rotstein- CanadaHelps
- Charity Choice
- charity gift card
- DonorsChoose
- giving
- Globe & Mail
- Heifer International
- Oxfam
- philanthropy
- Plan Canada
- TisBest
- UEnd
Yesterday I was at a meeting with a major bank and there was a discussion around the staff Secret Santa program. This individual wanted to move away from the $10 - dollar store purchase to make the Secret Santa program more meaningful. I suggested that she purchase a $10 charity gift card that her recipient could designate to a charity of choice. She had never heard of such a program. Which leads me to think that there are lots of people who don't know about giving charity as a gift of choice.
- Gena Rotstein's blog
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Social Enterprise Dictionary - Part 3
Posted October 31st, 2011 by Gena Rotstein- #SoCent
- Brett Wilson
- charity
- finance
- giving
- Globe & Mail
- investing
- non-profit
- philanthropy
- Socap
- social change
- Social Enterprise
- Social Finance
- social impact investing
- social profit
- Unconference for Social Good
My career has been shaped in the charitable sector. It spans two countries, several sub-sectors and a lot of fundraising time. When I decided to launch my own company it was at the begining of the formal social enterprise discussion in the States. I realized early on that what the charities value as their business and revenue models is not what the traditional markets value. This seems obvious, when charities talk about their business, they talk about the lives that they have saved and how they do it on so few dollars. When companies talk about their business, they talk about profit and commodities and consumers. So it was with great interest that I read this past week's issue of the Globe & Mail on renaming the sector from non-profit to Social Profit.
Donations Down in Canada… Really?
Posted December 4th, 2010 by Gena Rotstein- charity
- donations
- Globe & Mail
- Imagine Canada
- income tax
- Paul Waldie
- philanthropy
- Social Enterprise
In response to the Globe & Mail article published yesterday, "Charities see alarming trends as donors become older, fewer" I think this Paul Waldie is crying fire in a crowded theatre. Read more »
- Gena Rotstein's blog
Donations Down in Canada… Really?
Posted December 4th, 2010 by Gena Rotstein- charity
- donations
- Globe & Mail
- Imagine Canada
- income tax
- Paul Waldie
- philanthropy
- Social Enterprise
In response to the Globe & Mail article published yesterday, "Charities see alarming trends as donors become older, fewer" I think this Paul Waldie is crying fire in a crowded theatre. Read more »
- Gena Rotstein's blog
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The Maverick, The Steady and The Informed - Evaluating donors instead of charities
Posted November 29th, 2010 by Gena Rotstein- charity
- charity information
- donors
- Globe & Mail
- holiday giving
- philanthropy
The following is in response to the Globe & Mail piece on how to make an informed decision on charities in Canada. Read more »
- Gena Rotstein's blog
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Response to: Giving Back - How Much is Enough? (Globe & Mail Aug. 10)
Posted August 11th, 2010 by Gena Rotstein- Bill Gates
- charity
- Giving Pledge
- Globe & Mail
- philanthropy
- Warren Buffet
In yesterday's Globe & Mail Carly Weeks asks the question, "Are Canadians up to the [Giving Pledge] challenge?" Read more »
- Gena Rotstein's blog
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Thoughts on CEO Compensation
Posted April 18th, 2010 by Gena Rotstein- Boland
- CEO Compensation
- charity
- donations
- donor fatigue
- Globe & Mail
- overhead
- philanthropy
The Globe & Mail published a report on charitable sector CEO compensation. My thoughts on CEO compensation, for what they are worth... Read more »
- Gena Rotstein's blog
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